Beef Mechado is one of my mother's favorites, it's beef cooked in tomato sauce and spices. My mother always asks me to bring her some beef mechado recipes for she really love to cook this stuff.

Beef Mechado RecipeEstimated cooking time: 1 hour

Mechado Ingredients:
  • 1 kilo of beef cut into chunks
  • 1/8 kilo of pork fat cut into strips
  • 4 onions, peeled and quartered
  • 5 medium potatoes, quartered (optional: fried)
  • 1 medium sized carrot, sliced in 1/2" sections
  • 2 red bell pepper, sliced
  • 2 cups beef stock or 2 bouillon cubes dissolved in water
  • 3 bay leaves (laurel leaves)
  • 1/4 -cup vinegar
  • 2 cups tomato sauce or 1/2 cup tomato paste
  • 1 cup soy sauce
  • salt & pepper to taste
Mechado Cooking Instructions:
  • Cut an incision on the beef chunks and insert a pork strip in the middle (mitsa)
  • In a casserole, combine the beef (with the fat), tomato sauce, soy sauce, bay leaves and beef stock. Bring to a boil and simmer until the beef is almost tender
  • Add the vinegar and let boil for a minute or two
  • Add the potatoes, onions, carrot, and bell pepper
  • Let simmer until potatoes and carrots are cooked - occasionally stir to thicken sauce
  • Serve hot with white rice
Beef Mechado Cooking Tips:
  • Pressure cook the beef with the beef stock for faster cooking time.
  • Fry the potatoes before adding to the casserole.
  • Add 2 to 3 tablespoons of olive oil and stir when the mechado dish is almost done for added flavor.
For more recipes check our Complete Filipino Recipes Lists!!!


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